As for big news, this is not related to some of the other things I may have mentioned. At the moment I can't say anything further since there are a few things which involve criminal investigation and related matters. But trust me - there is no shortage of news and court cases to discuss, we have a lot to talk about. I think much of what is going on will have a very damaging effect on the organization for years and decades to come.
Once JWs figure out that their organization has not been transparent with them - many will lose trust in the men they once thought were being guided by God.
John Redwood
JoinedPosts by John Redwood
Reddit Post: Watchtower Appeals to Supreme Court
by APieceOfShitNamedTate infrom john redwood.... a preview of upcoming news:.
jehovah's witnesses are appealing to the supreme court of the united states, but this time it has nothing to do with preaching or saluting the flag.. it's all about child abuse.. specifically, the protection (or cover-up) of information, documents, and testimony of persons involved in cases of child abuse.. i will be covering this story in the coming weeks and months, but i thought i would share some of this news and try to distill it down as simply as i can.. i'd like to point out first that watchower has appealed to the supreme court in connection with their loss of yet another california child abuse case.
the chance that watchtower's appeal being will be heard by the supreme court is slim, but anything is possible.. what brought this about?.
John Redwood
Reddit Post: Watchtower Appeals to Supreme Court
by APieceOfShitNamedTate infrom john redwood.... a preview of upcoming news:.
jehovah's witnesses are appealing to the supreme court of the united states, but this time it has nothing to do with preaching or saluting the flag.. it's all about child abuse.. specifically, the protection (or cover-up) of information, documents, and testimony of persons involved in cases of child abuse.. i will be covering this story in the coming weeks and months, but i thought i would share some of this news and try to distill it down as simply as i can.. i'd like to point out first that watchower has appealed to the supreme court in connection with their loss of yet another california child abuse case.
the chance that watchtower's appeal being will be heard by the supreme court is slim, but anything is possible.. what brought this about?.
John Redwood
Hey guys, thanks for opening this topic up for discussion here. I will be happy to answer any questions, time permitting. I have been working on this for quite some time- this is something we have been expecting ever since Watchtower lost the JW v Watchtower case in California in the trial court and in the appellate courts of California.
Watchtower was held responsible for failing to produce the child abuse documents demanded by the plaintiff, and as a result a default judgment was issued in her favor of more than 4 million dollars.
Watchtower has been paying a 6 million dollar bond on this case during the appeal process.
Because they have lost all appeals in California- they are now taking this to the US Supreme Court, but the chances of it being heard are slim.
Basically they are claiming that they are being abused by California and denied their constitutional right to keep their judicial hearings private, even when they involve child abuse allegations which by law must be reported to the authorities.
They demand that the clergy-penitent exemption be applied to their elders notes and documents, and feel they are being unfairly discriminated against because their policies differ from those of the Catholic Church.I should have a JW Survey article up on Tuesday with more information
WATCHTOWER has posted a $40,000,000 bond !
by ZindagiNaMilegiDobaara inwatctower has posted a $40,000,000 bond following montana's upholding of the nunez v watchtower verdict of 2018. punitive damages have been upheld, and wt has purchased the bond from travelers insurance (35m+ interest)-montana sc will rule later this year on the appeal.. .
John Redwood
This was taken from my Tweet a few days ago. I will be writing an article on the subject of this case and related updates.
Past 12 months, #watchtower has obtained more than 36 unique subpoenas
by Not_Culty in
"in the past 12 months, #watchtower has obtained more than 36 unique subpoenas to identify the people who have posted their documents, leaked videos, & images from their publications.
this #watchhunt is a coordinated effort to locate & punish the leak sources.".
John Redwood
I would add that the image posted above was a partial image of all the cases and did not include the page 2 search results. The #watchhunt began in 2017 and seems to be escalating.
And yes, those posting the information are generally not the leakers. Watchtower is losing control of their own trusted members- and there's not much they can do about it.
John Ceder used my satire about annual meeting for real
by Gorbatchov insorry guys,.
the gorby satire fake report of the annual meeting with the coincidence about russia, is used for real in john cedars yt channel.. please concider it for well prepared satire.. and not much more.. g..
John Redwood
I would like to explain what I know about this situation.
Shortly before we recorded the latest episode of Watchtower in Focus, a person in whom I have great trust sent me by email what appeared to be a legitimate agenda from the annual meeting.
He further stated in his email that his daughter, a current JW and former Bethelite, had attended this annual meeting with an invitation to the Warwick tie-in.
Because he linked these two items, I mistakenly believed that he was telling me that this information came from his daughter directly. I had no reason to dispute or doubt him, since the information did not seem sensational or non-credible, and there were elements of the outline which were absolutely accurate, as he combined the annual meeting outlines with the photos of the new releases, which were definitely genuine.
I take full responsibility for sending this information to Lloyd, and as I mentioned, I had no reason to doubt that the individuals mentioned in the outline were likely candidates for giving those talks.
We take accuracy very seriously at JW Survey, and likewise, Lloyd takes every measure possible to ensure that the information he presents on his YouTube channel is informative and accurate. Lloyd immediately contacted our editing group to advise us of this JWN post, and he is in the process of editing the Watchtower in Focus episode as we speak.
Additionally I have reached out to the individual who sent me the information and will determine why he sent this to me as fact, and did not reveal that this was some form of satire. I suspect he does not know it was satire, or missed that point entirely. For the record, none of us at JW Survey had read the JWN post, which I understand to be some type of satire.
This is a lesson learned, and rest assured we would never accept such information for a JW Survey article without obtaining confirmation from multiple sources, which is our practice.
Unfortunately, all of the information we received came to us within 24 hours or less of taping the Watchtower in Focus program, and we had little time to investigate that specific portion of detail related to the annual meeting.
I appreciate the fact that our community will call out anything which they believe to be inaccurate, as we all must uphold the highest standards of reporting, whether in writing or on camera.
Rest assured that we will be extra cautious in the future with any information we receive, regardless of the source, and will take steps to correct anything does not stand the test of truth.
The strange case of Gerrit Losch
by Gorbatchov inone of the recent molest cases had a signed declaration of gerrit losch, stating he has no relation with watchtower and that he has no control over watchtower and he does not answer to watchtower.. this month he is hosting the watchtower broadcasting show, on a watchtower media chanel, with a watchtower president starring as co-host, with statements, media and music that have intellectual ownership and copyright by watchtower.. gerrit is asking on broadcasting for respect for “the slave”, just like jehova and jesus respect “the slave” and will even reward them.. are the writers of the statement too stupid to see the correlation between teaching and practicing?.
these man are proven liars.. how can hold this firewall stand?
it’s so thin.. a judge can see this mismach isn’t it??.
John Redwood
This post has a very good point to it. Of course the GB will say that the corporations are simply tools used by Jehovah's Witnesses to further the good news, and that GB members are not associated with those corporations.
Watchtower actually stated that Losch was akin to the Dalai Lama - a spiritual leader with no legal connections to those corporations. -
What Will The Future Hold For Jehovah's Witnesses
by inas descibed by the title here is a link to reddit of a what i believe is a powerful post with heaps of information.
John Redwood
Thanks for the positive comments. I know that a few have asked for the source material -and I want everyone to know this is coming. We have to protect our sources, which is one reason I did not release this immediately as a JW Survey article. In fact - this was never meant to be an article. It was just a post that was intended for a different Facebook group. But I ended up just writing it all in a few minutes and posting it on my timeline, to express some feelings I had after reviewing many many hours of inside JW organizational videos. These JW materials quite honestly give me the creeps at times, as they focus so much on numbers, procedures, and obedience to the organization.
Some of the things I said would be things that I personally would have found hard to believe 5 or 10 years ago, when I was still in the organization. But having lived through that beaurocracy, and now seeing it from the outside, it is not surprising at all.
We will be seeing this source material released in the very near future, and I appreciate the patience of everyone who has asked where some of this info originated. There are many sources for the many leaks we receive, and I thank all of them for their willingness to make this religion as transparent as possible.I will try to answer as many questions as I can. For those asking about the JW database - I will say that the organization has had several databases in use for several years now - such as the builder assist database of construction volunteers and overseers. I personally have exported such data from one overseer account, with over 2,000 personal files containing names, addresses, dates of birth and baptism, phone numbers, congregation and other information - and this was just for one small state.
In other words, I have proof of the data they are keeping on individuals. I find this to be a violation of my personal privacy, and most Witnesses do not know how much data is stored at the organizational HQ level.Stay tuned, more to come on this subject
WTBTS and the CCJW ?
by Crazyguy inapparently they made this new corporation called the christian congregation of jehovah’s witnesses in the year 2001. this is the religious side of the cult and wtbts is the printing side and probably the money side.
since the gb think they are of the ccjw and have even stated their non affiliation with the wt is their a way that jws can use this to their advantage, maybe during a jc etc.?
i for example was baptized before 2000 so with the new corporation formed and the gb going to that side what could be argued during a jc?
John Redwood
Page 3
WTBTS and the CCJW ?
by Crazyguy inapparently they made this new corporation called the christian congregation of jehovah’s witnesses in the year 2001. this is the religious side of the cult and wtbts is the printing side and probably the money side.
since the gb think they are of the ccjw and have even stated their non affiliation with the wt is their a way that jws can use this to their advantage, maybe during a jc etc.?
i for example was baptized before 2000 so with the new corporation formed and the gb going to that side what could be argued during a jc?
John Redwood
This is page 2 of the 3 page declaration of Gerrit Losch
WTBTS and the CCJW ?
by Crazyguy inapparently they made this new corporation called the christian congregation of jehovah’s witnesses in the year 2001. this is the religious side of the cult and wtbts is the printing side and probably the money side.
since the gb think they are of the ccjw and have even stated their non affiliation with the wt is their a way that jws can use this to their advantage, maybe during a jc etc.?
i for example was baptized before 2000 so with the new corporation formed and the gb going to that side what could be argued during a jc?
John Redwood
For further clarification, CCJW is definitely used in other countries such as the UK. However in the UK it is not a charity. The lawsuits which are filed in the UK against the JW organization are filed against Watchtower of Britain, Watchtower of Pennsylvania, as well as the individual congregations involved.
I stay in close contact with the attorneys in the US, the UK and elsewhere, and even they have a tough time keeping up with all of the intricacies of the JW corporations. After the Fessler V Watchtower case in Philadelphia, I interviewed the jury as a group (10 jury members) - and asked them if they were confused by all of the various players involved (Watchtower, CCJW, the US Branch, etc) - and they unanimously exclaimed that they were very confused by all of these groups, which played a role in their opinion about Jehovah's Witnesses in general.